Sunday, November 27, 2011

Obligatory Thanksgiving post and 18 month awesomeness.

Oh Thanksgiving.  A time to be thankful for one's my case that means my super cute twins and 12 layer Jello.  It's the one time of year we make it.  And it is as delicious as it sounds.  12 layers of sugary Jello goodness.  You really feel like you are eating an actual rainbow.  A rainbow of awesome.  Anyways, back to the subject at hand.  This year, like many years in the past, we celebrated Thanksgiving at the good ol' Cima household.  And also as usual, I did not take many pictures.  I would like to say that the twins enjoyed Thanksgiving.  But that would be a dirty, dirty lie.  They enjoyed playing with someone else's toys and the aforementioned Jello, but that's about it.  Mostly, they were both in cranky pants moods.  But alas.  We still enjoyed us some food. 

On our way!

Playing with Daddy.

Stealing toys

On to the next subject, I can't believe they are 18 months old!  Seriously.  My life is now harder and easier at the same time.  Easier at church, since I can now leave them in nursery (which they LOVED), harder because they get into EVERYTHING!  It pretty much drives me crazy.  I go to the Dr. in the next week or so to have them checked, so I'll post stats then, but here is a list of the things they do and say:

Loves to run up to you and hug and kiss you. Also loves to do this to Hazel.  She hates it.
Says I love you.
Says boy in reference to Good boy as in I am a good boy.
Climbs onto everything and spends copious amounts of time in Time out for climbing on everything.
Rubs his sheets when trying to fall asleep.
Kisses everything.
Throws a LOT of tantrums for not getting his way.
Often naughty, but his sweetness and cuddliness make up for it.

Says lots of words like car, hat, mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, kitty, shoe, book, etc...its a long list.
Loves to play with flashcards and say all the words.
Likes to run away from you in stores and play the chase Hazel game.  Not cute.
Loves "I love to eat" song and sings it often.
Loves teddy bears and things to cuddle like the cats, even when they don't want to.
Is a MAJOR daddy's girl.
Very shy around newcomers, but loves attention.

Counts to 5 or 10 depending on the mood (kinda).
Sings the ABC's (also, kinda).
Sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
Folds arms for prayers.
Loves Yo Gabba Gabba (says YO when it is on) and Elmo.
Loves to color and cries when crayon time is over.
Have knocked over the Christmas tree.  Good times.

 And just for cuteness sake:

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