The last few weeks have been some busy ones. We attended 3, yes 3, trunk-or-treats at various churches/wards for those in the know. Our old one in PQ, our new one is Esco, and my parents. Since we either forgot to bring or take pics at the first 2, we didn't really get any good pics of them in their costumes. We did get this picture with my mom while we were passing out candy. Zeke is super happy.
Yes, they are skeletons. Yes, Hazel has a ridiculous fluff on her head. |
Just in case you were wondering whether or not my babies are super cute, below are some pics to prove that as a fact.
Hazel fell asleep in the jumper. She's a thumb sucker. So cute. |
And Zeke really likes to be naked. |
Look at that dimple! |
For those keeping count, the twins are now 5 months! Here are the pics to commemorate the occasion. They are not quite at the sit up stage, so we propped them up in Hazel's crib to get some good shots. Although, it's near impossible to get good ones of both at the same time. Stinkers.