Saturday, July 30, 2011

Good times in the Summertime.

 Ahh, summertime.  Oh how I love you.  Last summer was a blur of diapers, nursing, and trying to not accidentally kill one of the babies.  There was some beach time in there, and a bit of vacation, but it was NOT relaxing. And even though these twins are still a ton of work, its nice that they are a lot more self sufficient.  The month of June/July was a great one.  My friend Christina was visiting from Japan for a month, so we did a lot of things together.  One problem.  I am horrible with taking pics.  This is what I need Jake for.  The only reason.

Here we are at the zoo.  This is the only picture I took of Christina and her baby Brock together.  Very cute.

I also got a pic of this orangutan.  I'm awesome.

We threw a party at Christina's mom, Ginny, house in Point Loma.  It was sort of a Birthday/ don't leave us again party.   I also got only one or two pics of this event.  and Jake was there, so I blame him.  Here are Zeke and Hazel in their matching Japan outfits.  Very cute.  And Sassy.

Then she left, and my life was back to normal.  I went back to my normal summertime activities of playing outside with the babies, going in the pool, and eating summer-y fruit.  These babies love a good piece of fruit.  Grandpa Steve will be so proud.

Mmmmmmmmm, plums!!

So the rest of these pics are just random cuteness.  I will try to be better about taking pics.  Cause how else am I to brag about my babies awesomeness, how?

She's a little Binky obsessed.  I try to keep them away from her during the day, but she finds them everywhere.  I thinks she has a stash.

Zeke is a bit of a climber.  He climbed the ladder all by himself.  I'm a good mom.  Eh, Jake was there to catch him if he fell.  He didn't/  He climbed all the way up, then all the way down. 

And now, for Hazel's turn to fall asleep mid-meal.  Awesome.

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