I seriously can't believe they are 4 months old. Everyone keeps saying it goes by fast, but those people are usually old and crazy. Maybe they have a point here after all. We even had their 4 month appointment the other day. I thought you'd enjoy the stats along with some sweet, sweet pics.
Weight: 27%
Height: 8%
Noggin: 39%
Weight: 12%
Noggin: 24%
Height: 1% That's right. 1%. Shorty.
Aside from shortness, they both were healthy and had no other issues. Except Zeke apparently has a flat head. If it doesn't get better, he may be a helmet sportin' man. But here is what we are doing now to help:
Since they are getting big, we decided to try feeding them solids. It did not go so well. I think we'll wait a while before trying again. Like when they are 25.
Zeke in Hazel's bib and chair. He would just spit it all out |
Hazel would just suck on her hand in between each bit. Messy girl. Love it. |